miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

NINETH SESSION : Objectives, outcomes, assessment, evaluation.

Session objectives:

Make teachers realise the coherence that must exist between the main objective of their subjects and the final outcome they choose to verify if their students have actually achieved it. Consider the relevance of assessment and evaluation to maintain such coherence. 

In order to start this session teachers were asked to think about the differences between assessment and evaluation and the importance of each.  In this video you will get another answer to this question.


Teachers had the opportunity to redefine the outcome they expect their students to reach by the end of their courses.

They evaluated the different techniques and instruments they use for assessment and evaluation.
They started thinking about how to evaluate the final outcome.


Some recommeded articles on this topic: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education http://www.thenationalacademy.org/readings/assessandeval.html  more to come...

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