viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

THIRTEENTH SESSION: The final outcome

Session objectives: 
Teachers will present their final CLIL projects to be implemented next semester, proposals will be evaluated at the end of the session.

Teachers will make a final evaluation of the course.

We have come to the end of this part of our  fruitful CLIL course, but this is just the beginning of the materialisation of your wonderful proposals. It's time to consider what is needed , apart from your efforts and initiavives, to make CLIL happen at USTA. Let's hear what Dr Marsh, has to share with us and let's see how far we are from countries that have had great success in implementing CLIL...
Dear colleagues, this has been a magnificent, rewarding and empowering experience for me as a teacher, and I can't thank you enough for being so eager, and so determined to get better at what you do with your students. I urge you to keep this enthusiasm and congratulate you all for your great proposals. Osmith Vides Contreras

Finding students willing to learn and put into practice what is taught is kind of hard these days, but finding extraordinary, committed and engaged students that go beyond the lessons is a blessing! Every one of you is not only a wonderful human being but also an amazing teacher. Sharing, reflecting, laughing and learning with you during these 13 sessions has been one of the most beautiful experiences in my professional life. I only have words of praise for you and your fabulous work and I know, from the bottom of my heart, this path we started in this course will lead you to great, enormous success which, all of you deserve because now you are no longer the teachers that came in the classroom on June 17th. Well done, real teachers! Andrea Jiménez Chaparro

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

TWELFTH SESSION: Making it happen

Session objective:
Teachers will learn about the demands, conditions and evaluation criteria of the final outcome for this course. 
Teachers will work on the final proposal for a model of CLIL for their course.

In this session we took the opportunity to recap on all aspects we had covered in this incredibly fruitful course, but the ball is now in your hands, you teachers are the designers of your courses. It's time to put your ideas into action and think of a realistic manner to create a model of CLIL feasible. As we said, there is not a single model of CLIL;  it's up to each educational institution to create their own. Let's see what Dr. Marsh has to say about this...


Teachers received a Resource Pack for them to use in order to improve their CLIL practices.
Teachers learnt about the evaluation criteria more formally. 
Teachers worked in their final proposals.

This was all given to you personally. We hope you make the most of it, exploit it, enlarge it.

ELEVENTH SESSION: Speaking English in the CLIL classroom

Session objective:
Teachers will reflect about the importance of promoting speaking activities in the CLIL classroom, and how to go about it.

When talking about a CLIL classroom some very important aspects have to be taken into account;often times,  it's through speaking tasks that you, as teacher, can be coherent with some of the principles of CLIL. Have a look at this video and think about how CLIL oriented your practices are.

In this session teachers had the opportunity to consider why and how to improve the STT ( Student's Talking Time) in the classroom, and specially how to do that in L2.
Teachers had to do three speaking tasks and think about how to use them in their lessons.

Teachers thought about the type of tasks they could plan to help their students succeed in their final outcome.

Here is a good website to help you improve your speaking tasks
To get  ideas for problem solving situations:  KENT UNIVERSITY: GREAT  website for resources of speaking 

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

TENTH SESSION: How to become an objective evaluator

Session objectives:
Make teachers reflect about the importance of evaluating oral outcomes properly.
Progress on the CLIL proposal

This session focused on how to evaluate students' outcome in fair and objetive way. Also, we talked about ways to make our students feel at ease while being evaluated and the type of questions we should ask to verify our students have achieved the learning objectives. 
Wacth this video to get an idea on how the session went. 
Teachers watched the video and discussed several aspects regarding the right way to evaluate.
Teachers learnt about the importance of using rubrics to be a more objective evaluator.
Teachers thought about the best rubrics to evaluate their students' outcome.


     The following is a rubric to help you become better at rubric making. 

NINETH SESSION : Objectives, outcomes, assessment, evaluation.

Session objectives:

Make teachers realise the coherence that must exist between the main objective of their subjects and the final outcome they choose to verify if their students have actually achieved it. Consider the relevance of assessment and evaluation to maintain such coherence. 

In order to start this session teachers were asked to think about the differences between assessment and evaluation and the importance of each.  In this video you will get another answer to this question.


Teachers had the opportunity to redefine the outcome they expect their students to reach by the end of their courses.

They evaluated the different techniques and instruments they use for assessment and evaluation.
They started thinking about how to evaluate the final outcome.


Some recommeded articles on this topic: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education  more to come...

domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

EIGHTH SESSION: Start translating theory into action

Session objective:

Students had time to start thinking about how to give good use to what they have learnt so far in this course. It was the time to start aligning the different levels of the curriculum, it was the time to start working on a concrete proposal to start implrmenting CLIL in their core subjects lessons.  

Before starting this serious piece of work some things had be discussed and agreed upon.That is why, in this session we talked about the importance of always bearing in mind that whatever we design for our lessons has to be coherent with an upper level of  the curriculum, we ( teachers) are accountable for, the meso-curriculum and even a higher one which is the macro-curriculum; yet, we must always remember what the real world demands from all of us. In short, all of this can be summarised as in the illustration below.  
You analised the learning objectives of your core subject programmes.
You thought about the way to align them with your student's outcome.
You started thinking about ways to insert a CLIL model that fits your student's needs, interests and resources available.


jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

SEVENTH SESSION: Giving instructions

Session objective:
Students learnt how to give instructions properly in both general and academic situations.

A few things you need to bear in mind when giving instructions, I hope this helps you clear things out.
In this session students learnt in a practical manner how to give instructions to improve their lessons outcome.
Students  had to create a game, write the intructions and then give them to another team.
Students worked on improving their portfolios.

Here is a short article about this topic. You'll find it useful . More to come

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

SIXTH SESSION: Getting and giving valuable feedback

Session objective:

In this session we talked about what happened last session in which students were assessed throughout a practical exercise. Everyone had the chance to state how they felt about the exercise and what it meant for them.

This very interesting video summarises what we did in our session of today. We really apreciated your comments and suggestions and will take them into account to improve our next tasks. Please, check the video and consider if our feedback fits the criteria of good feedback. Thanks
In this session we had a plenary session where all of you assessed the activity of the previous session.
You received personalised feedback.
You had time to make good use of the feedback given by tuttors and colleagues in order to improve your reading comprehension task.

Now that you are rethinking what feedback is all about, I invite you to watch this nice video from the Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators.I hope you like it. More articles to come.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

FIFTH SESSION: Assessment and its importance

Session objective:

Students will be assessed throughout a practical exercise that will allow them to show how much  they have comprehended and taken in from this course. The importance of a clear previously stated criteria will be discussed to.

Before we begin this session it is important to establish what the difference between assessment and evaluation is. Have a look at this short video.
One question arises then, how do we move from simply evaluating to assessing?  This video will give you a few tips. Have fun.
In this session you assessed our CLIL course so far. A huge thank you for that.
You prepared a reading exercise comprehension based on a real- text given.
You presented your activity to the class.
You helped us assess your colleagues and you self-assessed you reading exercise.

An article I recommend to get the basics of assessment is this article. More will be added soon.

lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

FOURTH SESSION : Tasks and Questions

Session objective:
Students will understand the close relation between the tasks and the need to ask questions properly.

The importance of this topic is easily shown in this short video. How to find out how much your students know, understand or have learnt? What type of questions are we asking our students?

You classified questions and matched them to the levels of reading.
You learnt and practiced how to make different types of questions.
You read an academic text and practiced your reading strategies.
You improved a previously made reading excercise based on the theory presented today.

Read this interesting article on How to write questions effectively:

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

THIRD SESSION: Different levels of Reading and strategies

Session objective:
Students wil understand what the different  levels of readings  are and strategies they must make their readers aware of to cope with reading tasks.

Watch this video to remember the most important reading strategies you should encourage your students to use before-while and after reading.
Since we are still struggling with this specific topic and specially needing more practice and tips on how to make questions to check our students' inferential you are these tips:

Students improve the reading exercise they designed the lesson before taking into account all theory presented today.

This short article summarizes what the 3 levels of reading entitle and the sort of questions to be asked for each of them

SECOND SESSIONWhat reading is, its purpose and moments
Thurs, 18th of June


To make Ss aware of what reading is , the moments through which you go when reading a text and the importance of stating a purpose for reading.

Reading according to...
´Brunan W.K (1989) “ a two-way interaction in which information is exchanged between the reader and the author".
´Smith (1973)"Reading is an act of communication in which information is transferred from a transmitter to a receiver“   
Moments and purposes of reading from the teacher's point of view.
Prepare a reading activity based on a content base text from each one of the participant schools.

I recomend you this link if you are interested in learning about types of reading and the purposes of them, the website also includes materials, skills and activities you can think of when statien the purpose of your readings. file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/osmith/Mis%20documentos/Downloads/types%20of%20reading.pdf

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015


Session objective: Getting to know about your course, expressing expectations and showing how much you know about CLIL.

This entry is for you to get to know a bit about the course. First, what exactly is CLIL? Watch the video.

In here you'll find your CLIL course presentation  Please read it through to find out about the rules, procedures and times of the course.

1. Discussing CLIL settings and models.
2. Drawing a CLIL tutor's profile

1. An article We found very useful for this session was the one about a study on  how CLIL is happening at at Universities in Spain. Here you are it. I highly recommend
2. An interview with David Marsh, one of the authors of this approach:
3. Rubric for your portfolio
Portfolio rubric

According to the Glossary of Education Reform “A portfolio is a compilation of student work assembled for the purpose of (1) evaluating coursework quality and academic achievement, (2) creating a lasting archive of academic work products, and (3) determining whether students have met learning standards or academic requirements for courses, grade-level promotion, and graduation.”

Emerging (1-2)
Proficient (3-4)
Exemplar (5)
Content-Selection of Artifacts ( What I learnt today and how do I plan to use it in my CLIL lessons, activities, extra material)
Some of the artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose of the e-portfolio. Includes only the required ones.
Most artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose of the e-portfolio. Goes beyond the required artifacts.

All artifacts and work samples are clearly and directly related to the purpose of the e-portfolio.  A wide variety of artifacts is included. Exceeds the required artifacts.

Reflective Commentary

Some of the reflections show growth and include goals for continued learning.

Most of the reflections show growth and include goals for continued learning. They show ability of effective critique.

All reflections clearly explain how the artifact demonstrates your growth, competencies, accomplishments, and include goals for continued learning (long and short term). Self-critique and suggestions for constructive alternatives.

Descriptive text
Some of the artifacts are accompanied by a text that clearly explains the importance of the item including title, author, and date. Citation is not taken into account. No editing is evident.
Most of the artifacts are accompanied by a text that clearly explains the importance of the item work including title, author, and date. Citations are somehow present and some edition is done.
All artifacts are accompanied by a text that clearly explains the importance of the item including title, author, and date. Citation is properly done always. Careful edition is done.

 Adapted from the University of Wisconsin. Retrieved from Definition Portfolio taken from  Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from