martes, 23 de junio de 2015

FIFTH SESSION: Assessment and its importance

Session objective:

Students will be assessed throughout a practical exercise that will allow them to show how much  they have comprehended and taken in from this course. The importance of a clear previously stated criteria will be discussed to.

Before we begin this session it is important to establish what the difference between assessment and evaluation is. Have a look at this short video.
One question arises then, how do we move from simply evaluating to assessing?  This video will give you a few tips. Have fun.
In this session you assessed our CLIL course so far. A huge thank you for that.
You prepared a reading exercise comprehension based on a real- text given.
You presented your activity to the class.
You helped us assess your colleagues and you self-assessed you reading exercise.

An article I recommend to get the basics of assessment is this article. More will be added soon.

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