Students had time to start thinking about how to give good use to what they have learnt so far in this course. It was the time to start aligning the different levels of the curriculum, it was the time to start working on a concrete proposal to start implrmenting CLIL in their core subjects lessons.
Before starting this serious piece of work some things had be discussed and agreed upon.That is why, in this session we talked about the importance of always bearing in mind that whatever we design for our lessons has to be coherent with an upper level of the curriculum, we ( teachers) are accountable for, the meso-curriculum and even a higher one which is the macro-curriculum; yet, we must always remember what the real world demands from all of us. In short, all of this can be summarised as in the illustration below.
You analised the learning objectives of your core subject programmes.
You thought about the way to align them with your student's outcome.
You started thinking about ways to insert a CLIL model that fits your student's needs, interests and resources available.